Sunday, 8 September 2019

we had to choose a fairy tale and write it on the bad guys perspective and make ourselves look nice. I had to highlight my goal which was using sophisticated vocabulary

 Hansel and Gretel 
Hello, my name is Isabella Brokendreams -The spellbinder also known as the devilish witch in Hansel and Gretel. This wrongly told version makes me look mean and cruel.  Now I'm here to set the story straight.

Long ago, I lived in an old, run-down cottage, deep in the woods. I minded my own business and I lived happily. The outside of my wonderful dwelling was covered in appetising treats such as licorice, Cadbury chocolate, gummy candy and a whole lot of vanilla and a bit of chocolate icing. My house was made out of delectable gingerbread. The inside of my house is metal and rusty.  It is two storeys high and a bit wonky. 

One sunny day I was making some lunch when I heard the sound of munching and crunching outside my house. I scurried outside in a rush, to see two peckish children nibbling on my house!  I asked politely “Why have you come here? And why are you eating my house?” The scared, shy, little girl replied “We’re lost and hungry and when we saw your house, we thought we’d have a bite to cure our hunger.” 
“OH NO come in, come in, I’ll make some lunch,” I said in a hurry so I could make some delectable lunch for their starving stomachs. Then they rushed in for lunch.

I made them delicious sandwiches but they didn’t even ask if I wanted one before they devoured them all. When they finished, they wandered around while I unloaded the dishwasher and put the dirty dishes in. Then they crept upstairs on the creaky floorboards. They entered the room where I kept my hard-earned gold and goods. They thought I had stolen it! I felt like a raging lion!! How dare they snoop around without my permission. I was upset that the kids got away with it. I could tell on Hansel’s smug face something was going to happen.   

After a while, I went and made some cookies with Gretel.  I asked Gretel to get out the choco chips, butter, milk, eggs, and sugar, then we got started. Finally, we got the batter into the oven, after all Gretel's whining. Whilst they were cooking, I played sports outside with the children. But Hansel and Gretel played very unfairly and never passed the ball to me, so I said boredly “Inside children, we can now eat the cookies after Gretel and I check them”. 

We leaned inside the oven just to see how the cookies were going and then we got them out. When I went to turn the oven off, suddenly… Gretel pushed one arm in and one of my legs tumbled in after. “AHHHHHH AHHHHH”  I shrieked in excruciating pain. The pain felt like jumping into a pool of lava. I dashed to the sink like there was no tomorrow. I turned the cold tap on full bore to soothe the aching pain. When I looked at where my foot and my hand were supposed to be, there was nothing!  I thought I was going to faint at the sight. It was a very clean-cut, it was like a professional chef cutting up vegetables.

After a while of cooling down, I still felt the burning that chopped off my foot. I cried out, “Hansel, Gretel come and help me please”. There was no response and they were nowhere to be seen. Then suddenly I saw them out the window, cackling like witches, with their pockets filled to the brim with my gold. Some of it was leaking out like water coming from a leak in a tap. I was shocked. Then they saw me, I shot a nasty glare at them. They blasted off far into the forest. I hoped I wouldn’t see those cruel children wandering around my house again unless they were coming to apologise. 

I quickly reached out with my short, stumpy arm for the phone to call 111. I only barely got it. I called immediately and the ambulance came in no time. I was heaved up onto the patient's bed (the one with wheels) and they carefully rose me up and into the vehicle. That was the worst thing that I had ever experienced.

So now you know that I’m a nice witch and the two gruesome children are the mean ones. Go and share my story around the world and make people see the real side of the story.

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