Sunday, 19 July 2020

My speech- why everyone should eat less junk food

  Why Everyone should eat less junk food

Mmmmmm chocolate, doughnuts and caramel slices, All these foods are delicious but should we really be eating as much as we are now? I’m here today to tell you why we should eat less junk food. Mahatma Gandhi once said’ It’s health that is the real wealth, not silver and gold.’ This means that it isn’t money or gold, it’s being healthy that’s the real wealth. Here are reasons why people should eat less junk food: you can get overweight, you can develop digestive problems and lastly you won’t get any nutrition. Let's get straight into it!

 Paragraph 1 - makes you gain weight

My first main reason is you’ll gain weight. Eating too much junk food causes you to be overweight which can lead to more problems like cancer and some immune issues. Research says that 40% of all cancer diagnoses in the U.S from 2005 and 2014 have been caused by obesity. I can’t believe people do this to their bodies. It's agonising! People who are overweight can get a condition called sleep apnea, which is a disorder that causes you to stop breathing when you're sleeping. Lucky your brain is smart enough to wake you up so you continue breathing, but the loss of sleep can cause more obesity. You can also become really tired and you may not be able to walk. I think junk food is hurting our bodies and shouldn’t be eaten as much. Does this make you rethink about how much junk food you should be eating?

Paragraph 2 - You’ll get digestive problems

Digestive problems are the next most important reason people should be eating less junk food. Well, junk food messes with your digestive system and may cause it to stop working properly. The food that stays inside your stomach when it can’t be processed, leads to bacteria which will stay inside you and can kill you. AHHH this is horrible! One other digestive problem that you can get is chronic constipation. Chronic constipation is when you can‘t get rid of your feces properly and it really really hurts when it does come out. OHHH the pain! Imagine having this happen at school. Do you really want this to happen to you? I can’t believe people don’t mind if this happens.

Paragraph 3 - you won’t get any nutrition

My last main reason is you won’t get nutrition. Without enough nutrition, you can get extremely ill which could result in death. You can experience changes like paler skin and sore joints and bones. If you don’t get any nutrition you can get diseases E.G, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, some cancers and heart disease.  Lack of Nutrition stunts bone growth which means you won’t grow. Things like nails and hair also could stop growing. Your hair may fall out!. Ohhh spooky. I think it's a tragedy. Everyone should make sure they dial down on unhealthy food. 

Now remember every time you open your mouth to shove in delicious junk food, that you’ll gain weight, you’ll get digestive problems and lastly, you won’t get enough nutrition. You could be fit and healthy right now if healthy food was the main source in your meals. You can be this amazing person you dream of if you listen to my advice, remember all that I’ve told you and choose healthy food!

Thank you 

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